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527 Gregory Terrace, Fortitude Valley Q 4006

07 3230 2600

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The “Wealth Effect” Feeds into the Thinking of Central Bankers

June 2022 | Newsletter 1 Central banks are trying to curtail aggregate demand in order to deal with the supply induced price shocks of the pandemic.  They can’t manufacture a new factory or a wheat field so the only tool they have to balance an economy is crushing demand.   One way of accelerating that process […]

Market Volatility

May 2022 Newsletter Periods of share market volatility, such as now, can understandably be very concerning.  With all of this economic uncertainty surrounding us, you may be asking yourself: “is it better to cash in at the moment or to ride things out?” READ THE FULL ARTICLE: https://mailchi.mp/270982f51e56/harness-financial-services-may-newsletter


Gregory Klumpp - Financial Planner at Harness Financial Services - Brisbane

Gregory has been providing financial advice to clients since 1994, having been a trusted adviser to a large number of his current clients for more than 20 years.


Adam Hinze - Financial Planner at Harness Financial Service - Brisbane

Adam has worked in the banking and finance industry since 1989, gaining valuable experience and insights that would see him become a respected & senior Financial Planner at Westpac Banking Corporation, then a founding partner of Harness Financial Services in 2006.


Leanne Hinze - Administration Assistant at Harness Financial Services - Brisbane

Since 2006, Leanne has been an integral part of the dedicated Harness customer service team, assisting with the needs of high net worth clients while keeping everyday operations smooth and successful.


Legislation/Government Policy can be confusing, is ever changing, and keeping up is…

Redundancy Payments

Being made redundant or choosing a voluntary redundancy can be an uncertain…